Dayah Bonhardy - Permaculture, Sustainability, Forraging, Forest Skills, Ancient Trades, Internet Reaserch and Development 

Who Am I?

That is a very good question! One I am still trying to figure out myself ;-p

As a child I fascinated by animals and wanted to be Dr. Doolittle. I could sit and stare at ants working for long periods of time simply admiring them. I would collect and bring home all animals possible that stubmled on my path and needed temporary foster care or a home: fallen baby sparrows, unwanted baby chickens, stray cats and dogs, hampsters, parrots, snakes and more...

In 2000, after my army service, at about 20 years old, I stumbled onto an e-commerce course, realized I both enjoy it and am rather goot at it, and since then have been a full stack web developer, first as an employee of a couple small companies and starting 2008 as a self employed self empowerd person. In 2002 I also started studying at the Open University for a combined BSc. in Computer Sciences and Biology, thinking of continuing into one of the fields of Genetics, rRobotics and AI or Neuroscience.

In 2010, around the age of 30, I had a so called mid-life crisis of sorts and decided to make some serious changes in my life towards a more wholesome more connected and more sustainable and more environmentally friendly direction. I simplified many aspects of my every day life, lowering my general commercial consumption as much as possible, and started investigating and learning new and exciting things such as Meditation, Chi-Quong, Healthier diets and habits, natural self healing methods, spiritualism, urban agriculture, ancient trades and more.

In 2016, inspired by my Permaculture design course, I started a rooftop ecological shared community in southern Tel Aviv named Roof Farm and gradually lowered the expanse of my web development work.

Following the Corona pandemic in 2020 I found a new love and interest working in kindergardens and started persewing a new path in forest education and ancient arts and craft. I returned to the Open University to finish my degree as a BSc. in general sciences, taking mostly courses in Biology that matched my new interests.

Today I am still doing a little bit of all of the above, and I still am not 100% certain what I want to be when I grow up, but I at least try to fully enjoy everything I do and figure that the rest will eventually sort itself out...